HEY HEARTUN~ In real life I’m a 26 year old married man with a wife and young daughter. I’ve played Second Life for the past six months, mostly learning how to build stuff and script because I work in the information technology field. About a month ago, for kicks, I made a female alt.

It made me laugh — hanging around in the public sandbox, seeing the stupid things guys say when they PM girls. I had no idea!

Photo Courtesy of OMweb

Then a female acquaintance invited me to a lesbian-only club and I’ve been hanging out there a lot ever since… because I fell in love. Do I let my new lesbian ‘girlfriend’ know that I am really a man? ~ HANGING, BUT NOT OUT

DEAR HANGING ~ Sure. Tell her. I’m sure her sexuality up to this point in her life is merely the result of not having met the right guy.

While you are at it, you should broaden your horizons. Start hanging out at Shemale Quickies so you can meet the right guy  too!

The ‘right guy’ will surely change your orientation.  ~HEARTUN BREAKER