Dear Meg,

This site is stupid!

~Impotent in Ahern


There are not losers. Torley Linden can to speak with a woman. That is not be to a loser. HE is millionaire. HE can to speak to a number and to have the best model from the world.

Not.. To be a loser is an aspect evidently distended between the source of work and the purposes of work that we conform the name DIGNITY.

And youtuber that because need to work convert his message in a REVENGE with the CATHOLIC CHURCH as an CLOWN is a LOSER, effectively.

The money corrupted the dignity and that is not repairable because the consequences that cant to control with responsibilities.

The symmetry then could to drive the interest to investigate the right an left of the directions and comprobated an fantastic new theory.

To speak so much could to be a relation apprension/distention values from the environment and the actors not be responsible on the state space participation.

One person can to bother with an intense silence the persistence as human attitude to gits by the distance.





The MEG, also known as ‘the Sage of Ahern’, is a practitioner of jazz-speak. They frequent the Ahern Welcome Area, and occupy any of dozens of avatars… but can be identified by their expressive manner of communicating. Like jazz, look for meaning in the flow… not the individual notes. Feel free to ask the MEG anything!