Astrology in an Online World: A Primer

I get a lot of questions from SLitizens who are new to the concepts of astrology.

Here are the basics:

  • The date your avatar was formed (Rez day) establishes your Zodiac sign, and ‘house’.
  • The 12 Zodiac signs are modes of life-energy derived from 30-degree divisions of the ecliptic – the path of the Sun as it circles the Earth. (From our perspective, Copernicus!)
  • The houses are of variable widths, and are a way of dividing the ecliptic with reference to the horizon of the point of Earth for which a chart is cast. (Much needed for individual readings).
  • While signs represent life-energy, houses represent particular fields of experience. (Ref: Dane Rudhyar).
  • Planets (including the Sun, Moon and Pluto… yes, I know, just roll with it!) activate the qualities of a sign, and interact with each other, as they ‘wander’ the ecliptic.
  • Inner planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) move faster through the Zodiac, so their effects are fairly transitory.
  • Outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Pluto) move slower, so they have a longer lasting, and deeper, influence.

Houses: (far trickier, but essential)

Your first house is determined by which zodiac constellation was rising on the eastern horizon at the exact moment you were born, which is why both time and location of your birth are needed to determine it. The rest of your houses count up sequentially from there. If you haven’t cleared your email since you signed up for Second Life, search your trash for the ‘Welcome to SL’ letter, then adjust your local time for Second Life (Pacific) time, and voila! Then pick the location on Earth that your avatar would most naturally identify with, and that is your home.

If you are an old timer in SL, look at your Profile to find your Rez day, and take a swag at what time you most likely created your avatar (or that your avatar is most ‘at home’ in). This information can help an astrologer really dig into your personal questions… so if you ask me something, be sure to include your avatars Rez date, time and location. Also include this information for another person (as much as you can) if your question involves another person.

I do private readings like this, and will not publish the results, for 4kL each… but will answer questions for free if it’s ok with you for Heartun to publish them on her site. (And not all of those will necessarily be answered)
