Kind Readers~ This is a reprint of a column I wrote in 2007 for the Second Life Herald (later, Alphavile Herald). Also, the blogger Kate Amdahl has a wonderful piece on her Winged Girl Blog that does a great job of outlining problems with online lesbian relationships. Please follow the link to read it. ~HEARTUN

Photo courtesy of The Winged Girl Blog

HEY HEARTUN ~ This question isn’t really for me; rather its for all those young men who think its cool to cross dress and look for lesbians. I’m a lesbian (online only) and am often recreating at the Isle of Lesbos. The other night this female avatar called (real name substituted with ‘Betty’) showed up and yelled “Hey, NE1 want 2 fuck?”

Needless to say the 40 girls present responded with LOL’s and LMAO’s but Betty was serious. With her noobie sandals and Orientation Island stock avatar (the brunette one) it was pretty clear that Betty was an alt. And her behavior made it clear she was really a young man, perhaps a boy. I never understood this kind of behavior, but Betty isn’t alone. There are a lot of people out there like this. Do you have any advice for them? ~ SAPPHIC SOPHISTICATE

DEAR SAPPHIC SOPHISTICATE ~ My advice for young men wishing to trick lesbians into cybering with them is simple and two part: play dumb and be patient. The first should be easy for a young stud with the lesbo fetish — just stand around, maybe with a dance animation loop, and occasionally ask for help. Lesbians love to help noobs, and they’ll shower them with tons of nice used clothing, skins and hair. In a short time our young stud will be molded into a hottie-buh-body avatar by a woman who really knows what looks good.

That requires some patience on our young man’s part, but the payoff is worth it. Now that he is properly attired, and has had a fashion maven fawning over him for a while, her friends will find him irresistible. He just has to shut up and not let on that he is a boy. They’ll all try to bed him behind each other’s backs.

Now, lets deal with the 500 pound gorilla in the room. You say you are a lesbian, but only online. How is that any less devious and deceiving than the young man pretending to be a lesbian? And if you aren’t pretending in Second Life, then you are pretending in First Life… and that is even more disturbing. ~ HEARTUN BREAKER