Dear Meg,

How can I tell if my boyfriend is using an alt to cheat on me?

~ Eyebrows up

Dear Eyebrows ~ Of course I answer the people all time and is not Linden Lab with BLUE SHIRT that come to here to debate with their clients with better FAMILY to comprobate to everyone that is creating fictionaries families in manifestations to propulse NOT LIMITEDs dreams.

When a BLUE Linden Lab the meta-layer of information FAMILY is a concept of a task delegated to the building Second Life of day planing””

“PLUS_ULTRA all architecture that REASON formed from Second Life could to feel about the circumstance of an future and precisely is planted all the technology to mention that CIA spying he community is Linden Lab at Second Life generating errors in scripting languages to be manipulated by the people… to generate controlated holes of security that accuse to the most ALIFE imaginative people to win on state over other as an merchant where the corrupt could to be he advance as in Real Life and IN NET 3.0 that END. ~ MEG