Dear MEG~

Meg, what do you think about Capitalists making money in Second Life?

~Moneh on Mah Mind

Dear Moneh~

The people are not present with the same interests and the one CONCEPT that can to survive is the transfer systems with datas to others networks of inventions from reality.


“Oh! Please. Implant to a chip to a (avatar name withheld by editor)” if he gets lost with an astrology note relating it to the black ball of bad luck… THERE ARE NOT VIDENTS IN THE WORLD OR PROPHETS OR MYSTICS OR DRUIDS OR …….. There are people as Eric Linden stealing money exercising minds that can’t to change along time.

It’s called statistics that people can’t change in their habits. If you have an accident with the astrology meet with (name withheld) the sensation to believe in the famous word CRAP that aboard the mind giving importance to things that haven’t sense.

Where is the LOGIC, (name withheld) to save this woman Heartun of her interest to aboard the Astrology ? HEARTUN. From 200 Lindens I will to say YOU ARE an STUPID if can’t to read some more LEGIBLE to the humanity that this Second Life.

Go to the videos of important thinker at YouTube to grow with their ideas about the world. Immediately. Use the attitude pixie.


(Editors Note: I take out the proper names of people who are not public figures. All Lindens are public figures. In the United States, because of the widely accepted belief in the “right to know” information of public concern, freedom of speech generally overrides public figures’ right to privacy. As a result, public figures have almost no right to privacy, even when the published information is false. Click HERE for a legal brief.

In non-Linden Lab employees, establishing who is a “public figure” is difficult, but my working yardstick on the matter is anyone who has more than 1,000 followers on any social media platform for their Second Life avatar is a public figure.

I’d like to hear what you think on this matter, in the comments section, below. Thank you. ~Heartun)



The MEG, also known as ‘the Sage of Ahern’, is a practitioner of jazz-speak. They frequent the Ahern Welcome Area, and occupy any of dozens of avatars… but can be identified by their expressive manner of communicating. Like jazz, look for meaning in the flow… not the individual notes. Feel free to ask the MEG anything!