Kind Readers~

Carmen King

I’ve been stalking the shit out of YouTube star Carmen King for a couple weeks now, and am completely obsessed with her! She has been streaming in other worlds like Sims 4 for a long time, but only joined Second Life a couple months back. If you haven’t watched any of her videos, she’s a freaking riot! (I have her first SL video at the bottom of this article).

I completely understand why 900,000 people follow her, and according to Wagner James Au over at the New World Notes — she’s dragging thousands of them into Second Life. CLICK HERE to read his article. (Oh, I also borrowed his graphic! Thank you Wagner!)

Chart courtesy of New World Notes.

I’ve sent Carmen King in-world PM’s asking to meet up with Meg, my reporter, at a hobo village. I would also love to have photographer Thirteen Loveless follow her around and snap a photo essay. But today I found something even more fun than all of that — riding horses!

Voodoo the horse is freaking nuts! He ran off a cliff!

A club that I dance at some times has been transformed into a beautiful mountain resort. I mean, there is still a club, but the rest of the sim has riding trails and beautiful mountains, streams, lakes and ocean front through which my horse VooDoo and I get to gallop!

VooDoo is nuts, and I’m not a very good rider, so we DID both go straight off the first cliff we came to — plummeting to certain death, only to have the heroic VooDoo save the day! He’s such a handsome horse!

Here are some other things I’d like to do with Carmen King:

  • Go to ‘Topless Tuesdays’ at my favorite lesbian club with her
  • Hang out in Ahern with her and introduce her to one of the griefers there (A couple men with names that begin with D come to mind!)
  • Go fishing at Neo-Realms Fishing Village, maybe enter a contest!
  • Enter a busy sim together and get into a screaming  lovers quarrel in open chat
  • Make furry versions of ourselves

If any of this happens, I’ll keep you posted. If you have good ideas of what else I should do if I ever catch up with Carmen King, please leave them in the comments.