Hucow | Heartun Breaker We Seek Connection Tue, 03 Nov 2020 00:38:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 HuCows – a New Level of Weird Tue, 20 Oct 2020 13:12:25 +0000
Moo.” It was the first thing I read when I teleported into a sim that I knew nothing about. I was only given a slight glimpse on what I should expect before I ventured into Happy Cows Ranch 4 with editrix Heartun Breaker. If someone said to you, “women go there to get milked,” you would be a little curious too, right? No? Just me? Okay.

HuCows – Human Cows

Upon landing, I noticed that the sim was indeed a farm with stables all around, complete with milking machines in each stall for the workers. Walking into the barn I encountered a woman in one of those stalls, trussed up in restraints and with a milking apparatus attached to her breasts. We met a lovely “Cowcunt,” as they are called, by the name of Dani. Dani turned out to be a bit quiet when approached in local chat, so I thought that she might think we were there to ogle and make fun of her. I decided to take the conversation into a private message.

I immediately apologized to Cowcunt Dani in case she thought I was being rude taking it to PM so quickly. But, as she was on full display, strapped to a milking machine, wearing nothing but a G-string, I hoped it was ok. Her avatar was in a stall, the front of which was dominated by a video display of whirling graphics, interlaced with words like ‘obey’ and ‘kneel’ as well as photos of women being subjugated. (Hints of the final scene in the Kubrick film, A Clockwork Orange.)

Having a conscience is a really conflicting idea sometimes, I know. She did not take offense to the questioning at all apparently. WHEW! She explained to me that “Muffin” is the milking system and that there are many milking sims. (A search for the term ‘hucow’ – human cow – verified this.)

Meanwhile, Heartun was engaged in Gonzo journalism, immersing herself in the experience. She found a vending machine that provided her with a ‘feeding mask’ and milking cups to go over her breasts, as well as some rather severe restraints – for no apparent reason — other than degradation and submission.

‘We Work For Muffin”

When Dani told me there is “a sim for Muffin,” I automatically pictured a pimp type person that lurks in the background, instead of an automated milking machine, and maybe that was the reason she was so hesitant to speak. Nope. The conversation was as brief in private as it was in local. I asked her what she liked about being in the Happy Cows sim, because it looked to us like she has to sit there all day and just find stuff to do as she waits for her milk to collect. She was very slow to respond.

Heart kindly pointed out to me that Dani was probably busy in IMs. Duh, Gina. Dani did inform me that she enjoyed watching the spirals that pictured the real-life women attached to milk machines in what appeared to be the most awkward positions. The conversation with Dani ended, only producing more questions than answers.

I asked her if the men and women who visited the sim were there to interact with the cows or to watch. “I’ll leave that for you to find out, lol,” is all she said.

I guess I will never know. I thanked her and decided to see what else the sim had to offer. Other than a pig pen for subs and doms, Dani turned out to be the most interesting thing about the Happy Cows Ranch 4. ~ Gina


The milking apparatus has quotas, points and levels – much like a game – but there are also tabs to keep track of ‘breeding attempts.’ I went back several times, and never saw any breeding going on. While the vending machine that provided me with ‘cow’ equipment has a vendor setting for bulls and farm hands, I never saw anyone in this sim who appeared in either role. The overall experience and vibe of the sim, for me, was extremely off-putting, but I came away with no tangible wrong doing that I could point at. I felt we missed something fundamental, and fundamentally wrong, in this investigation. I reached out to the sims owner, Disavowed Charisma, as well as a hucow group owner (with thousands of members) for an interview. Neither responded in a timely manner. ~Heartun
